An Estate Planning Attorney
serving the Salt Lake area
An Estate Plan tailored to
your own family’s needs
Easy, Fast and Affordable
WARNING: Do NOT try this at home! Do NOT try to fill out a form from an online website. You wouldn’t trust WebMD to make a critical diagnosis or repair a broken limb. Have an experienced qualified attorney after sitting down and consulting with you, who knows your needs, tailor the right plan for you.
Call (801) 453-2000 for a free consultation to educate you regarding what your family needs really are.
Contact us for your Free Educational Consultation
Have a Comprehensive Plan Customized That Meets All of Your Needs:
1. A Trust is the most flexible planning instrument which enables you to have complete control of all of your assets until you die or are incapacitated. At such time, the person whom you choose to carry out your plan will follow your instructions in giving your assets at the time you want and in the way you want at the least cost to you. It avoids the time, expense and publicity of probate.
2. A Pour-over Will enables you to have any assets which you may acquire later be probated if necessary so that they will end up in the trust even if you forget to deed them into your trust. This is a catch-all protection to make sure all of your property ends up in your trust.
3. An Advance Health Care Directive also known as a living will allows you to plan for your future health care wishes so that your loved ones can know what to do and what health procedures you have planned for if you become incapacitated or unable to give directions.
4. A Durable Power of Attorney gives authority to someone whom you choose to make decisions concerning your property if you become incapacitated and decisions need to be made to benefit you or to make payments or transfers according to your instructions.
5. Health Care Authorization to Disclose enables someone whom you choose to obtain health care records which you or your future healthcare provider may need if you are incapacitated.
6. A Children’s Protection Plan to protect them and appoint a guardian of your choosing if something happened to you.
7. Burial Instructions or Final Disposition Instructions concerning your burial or cremation
8. Any other Specific Needs of you and your family written in plain easy to understand English.
All of these important planning documents which vitally affect you and your loved ones are taken care of in one complete package at a very affordable price.
Find out just what your needs are today, before it is too late. Call now to schedule a Free Consultation in order to determine just what your family’s specific needs actually are in this very important area. Call (801) 453-2000
7084 S 2300 East, # 250, Salt Lake City, Utah
(801) 453-2000
Estate Planning, Children’s Protection Planning, Guardianship,
Asset Protection Planning, Special Needs Planning,
Estate Tax Protection, Probate and Trust & Estate Administration.

Why Planning Is important.
Many people put off planning for retirement until it is too late, thereby wasting all of the years which they really could have spent planning for retirement. Imagine then, how many put off planning for death! Yet planning for your loved ones in case something happens to you is far more essential and critical than you may have before supposed. Without proper essential planning, you may be sending your children and loved ones into a receivership of Read More…
Don’t want to wait? Click here to fill out the estate planning worksheet and call now for an appointment!
Did You know that the Best Education you can obtain about your family’s financial planning needs is with a consultation with a qualified attorney?
Such a consultation is actually worth $500.00. This educational experience is yours Free, tailored to your specific family and circumstances, simply for asking. You cannot afford not to take advantage of the knowledge you will gain from this important education. Call Today at (801) 453-2000 to set up this free consultation.
CLICK HERE to take a quick evaluation Check-up Quiz on your present planning situation.
Name Your Guardians Now So Your Kids Will Never be Raised By Anyone You Wouldn’t Want …
This is a FREE resource to legally choose who you want to care for your kids in the case of an emergency or sudden death.
Click on the link below:
Why You Should Name Legal Guardians for your Kids:
Two parents have tragically died in an automobile accident on July 23 in Los Angeles, leaving an infant child without parents. The child is now in Child Protective Services. To read more on this tragic story click here.
This is a tragic reminder how quickly things can go wrong when you are not prepared.
Call us today regarding how you can appoint guardians for your children if something happened to you.

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