The Scout Motto – Be Prepared
Family Preparedness is truly a Motto in which we all ought to give real thought to see where some major holes may be in our preparation for future events.
If something happened to you/you and your spouse today, What would your family do? Those of you with small children, where would they go? Who would be their guardians? How much would a court be involved with my children, my affairs, my home and other assets? Do I have sufficient financial plans, such as life insurance to provide for those I leave behind, and are they set up so that they are available to my family? How would my affairs be managed if I became incapacitated?
How can I BE PREPARED financially for my family?
Let me define what is meant by the term Estate Planning (which I call Family Financial Planning or Family Financial Preparedness). It consists of the following three concepts:
- Control my property while I am alive and well.
- Provide for myself and my loved ones if I become disabled.
- Give what I have:
- To whom I want;
- The way I want;
- When I want;
- and Minimize the impact of professional fees, court costs, and taxes
Do you have a plan that does all of the above three things? Are you sufficiently prepared in these areas?
We can help with a free no obligation consultation where we carefully go over with you these three areas to educate you and help you be more prepared in these important family matters.