Divorce After 50: Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Retirement

Beyond the emotional impact that divorce can have on couples of any age that decide to split, it can have a potentially devastating effect on the retirement plans of those who divorce later in life.  Divorce after 50 usually results in a loss of income for both...

Planning for What Happens Last

Seth Godin is a well known and oft-quoted American entrepreneur who has authored 13 best sellers that have been translated into 33 languages.  Recently, he wrote a post on his blog at SethGodin.com that is a must-read for everyone.  I am reprinting it here in its...
Making a Plan for Your Digital Assets

Making a Plan for Your Digital Assets

According to a 2011 McAfee study, Americans value the digital assets they own across multiple digital devices at nearly $55,000.  Unfortunately, a vast majority of us have not planned for what happens to these assets after we’re gone. Estate planning for digital...