The Significance of Trusts

The Significance of Trusts

Many people understand that if a family uses a trust for estate planning, it will avoid probate, because all of the property of the plan is in a trust, in control of the Trustee at the time of death. What many people do not fully realize is the huge flexibility in...

The Wealth Creation Trust: A Gift That Keeps On Giving

The perfect gift for your child or grandchild on the occasion of their birth, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Sweet 16 or Quinceañera cannot be found in any store.  Instead, the hopes and wishes you have for your child (or grandchild’s) future can best be expressed with a gift of...
7 Reasons to Consider a Trust for Your Family

7 Reasons to Consider a Trust for Your Family

Do you consider trusts to be instruments of the wealthy?  While it is true that many Americans of means have trusts to protect and pass their wealth, there are a number of reasons why trusts can also be useful for middle-class families.  Here are 7 of them: 1. ...